020 7608 0809 help@metrolocks.co.uk

Way back when, Metrolocks was one of the first locksmith companies to embrace the internet.

We had one of the first email addresses, locksmith@axford.com, and one of the first locksmith websites. While the world was still experiencing the inconveniences of dial-up, Metrolocks had broadband.

But the world keeps on changing, and websites become old-fashioned very fast. We figured our old website – no more than seven years old – was more like a period piece than any Queen Anne table out there!

The time has come to unveil a brand new website, much more suited to the demands of the present day:

It’s mobile-friendly, it’s colourful, it has better pictures, it’s faster, and it’ll help you get your problems fixed more easily.

We hope you like it! Here’s to many more years of locksmithing!

Need a great London-wide locksmith service? Try Metrolocks!